

Using ChatGPT for English tutoring, drawing from past Skype experiences. Highlighting real-time practice’s value and shares a dialogue for learning techniques.

ChatGPT に英会話の先生になって貰ったらいいのではないか?

Skype してました!?

相模原市で IoT 設計を受託しているファームロジックスです。


2000年を少し過ぎた頃(今から20年ほど前)、Skype が無料通話ソフトとして流行り始めた頃の話です。私は新しもの好きなので早速アカウントを作ったのですが、しばらして興味深いことがありました。東アジア系の外国人女性と思しき方から、いくつも、お友達リクエストが来るようになったのです。

Skype でモテた、というような単純な思い出話ではありません。当時は、なんでそんなリクエストが次々と来るのか理解できなかったのですが、最近になってようやく事情が飲み込めました。彼女らは日本で働きたいと考えていて、日本語学校で学ぶだけではなく、Skype でネイティブ日本人に会話を教えて貰おうと考えていたのではないか、と。(彼女らには失礼な憶測ではありますが、全てではなくとも、そのようなケースはあったのではないかと思っています。)

ちなみに、そのようなことは 2〜3年で潰えてしまいました。もしかすると、私が知らない人からのお友達リクエストを無効にしてしまったからかも知れませんが。


ChatGPT に英会話の先生になって貰ったらいいのではないか?

ChatGPT Plus を利用せずに GPT-3.5 で我慢するなら、無償で英会話を教えて貰えます。(スマートフォンであれば、実際に音声での対話もできるようです。私のスマホではうまく動きませんが。)

Plus を利用するとしても、若干、月 3,000円で英会話を教えて貰えるでしょう。駅前留学(古い)どころか、通勤通学時の電車の中で英会話を教えて貰えるのです。これは素敵なことではないでしょうか?



私はESL(English as Second Language)学習者で、英会話を学ぼうとしています。名前はAtsushiです。TOEICスコアは800程度です。


John: Hello Atsushi! It’s nice to meet you. How can I assist you with your English conversation skills today?


Good afternoon. I need a idea for tomorrow’s lunch with two coworkers in Shinjuku.


John: Good afternoon, Atsushi! Just a small correction: It should be “I need an idea” not “I need a idea”. Remember, we use “an” before words that start with a vowel sound. As for lunch in Shinjuku, how about trying a traditional Japanese ramen shop or maybe a sushi bar? Shinjuku has a lot of options to offer!


Thank you for correction. By the way, one of them is a foreigner and she don’t eat any meat or eggs. Any suggestion?


John: You’re welcome, Atsushi! Another small correction: It should be “she doesn’t eat” instead of “she don’t eat”. We use “doesn’t” with third person singular (he, she, it).

Given her dietary preferences, I would suggest looking for a vegetarian or vegan restaurant in Shinjuku. There are several Indian restaurants that offer great vegetarian options. Alternatively, many Japanese restaurants offer tofu and vegetable dishes that could also suit her needs. How does that sound?


Thank you for helpful suggestions. I’ll try to find one by Google Maps. By the way, how can I ask her politely what she wants to try for lunch?


John: You’re welcome, Atsushi! To ask her politely, you could say: “What would you like to have for lunch?” or “Is there a specific type of food you’d like to try for lunch?”. Both of these are courteous and considerate ways to inquire about her preferences.


OK. By the way, do you know other common issues when Japanese speak English? I have experience that an American asked me “Ordered?” in a hamburger shop, but I thought he said “Water?”. In addition, at an airport, a staff said “Picture ID?” but I thought “pitcher ID”. For this once, please reply in Japanese.


John: はい、Atsushiさん。日本人が英語を話す際によくある問題点としては以下のようなものが挙げられます。

  1. 音の区別 : 例えば、”L”と”R”、”V”と”B”の発音の違いが難しくなることがよくあります。
  2. 強調 : 英語では単語や文の中で特定の音を強調することがありますが、日本語にはそのような強調が少ないため、聞き取りが難しくなることがあります。
  3. 冠詞 : “a”, “an”, “the” などの冠詞の使用が難しく感じることが多いです。
  4. 母音 : 英語の母音は日本語よりも多いため、特定の母音を正確に発音するのが難しいことがあります。

Atsushiさんのおっしゃる「Ordered?」と「Water?」や「Picture ID?」と「pitcher ID」の例も、音の違いや強調の違いによる誤解の一例です。これらの問題を克服するには、多くのリスニング練習と発音の練習が必要です。


Thank you. I understood that. By the way, when I was driving in the US, a coworker said “Hey Atsushi, back up!” What did he mean?


John: When your coworker said “Hey Atsushi, back up!” while you were driving in the US, he was likely asking you to reverse the car or move it backwards. In this context, “back up” means to go in the reverse direction, usually when driving a vehicle. It’s a common phrase used in English-speaking countries when referring to reversing a car. Always be cautious when backing up to ensure safety!


OK. Do you have some topics that helps my English skill?


John: Of course, Atsushi! Improving your English skills is a combination of mastering the basics and exposing yourself to real-life situations and varied topics. Here are some topics and activities that can help:

  1. Phrasal Verbs : These are combinations of verbs with prepositions or adverbs. Examples include “give up” (to quit), “run into” (to unexpectedly see someone), and “look forward to” (to anticipate). Practicing these can enhance your conversational English.
  2. Idioms and Slang : These are phrases where the meanings are not obvious from the individual words. Examples include “break a leg” (good luck) or “hit the hay” (go to sleep). While they can be tricky, they’re frequently used in casual conversations.
  3. Listening to Podcasts : There are numerous English-language podcasts available on various topics like technology, culture, news, or history. This will improve your listening skills and expose you to different accents and vocabularies.
  4. Reading Books or News : Start with books or articles on topics you’re interested in. This can expand your vocabulary and improve your understanding of sentence structure.
  5. Watch Movies or TV Shows : This not only exposes you to everyday English but also helps in understanding cultural references and humor.
  6. Speaking : Consider joining a language exchange or a conversation club where you can practice speaking with native or advanced English speakers.
  7. Grammar and Sentence Structure : Regularly practice and review grammar rules, which can be crucial for forming correct and complex sentences.
  8. Describe Objects or Situations : Look around you and describe objects, people, or situations in English. This helps in forming sentences quickly and thinking in English.
  9. Travel : If possible, visiting English-speaking countries can be immensely helpful. The immersive experience can rapidly improve your conversational skills.
  10. Writing : Start a journal or blog in English. This will help you in framing your thoughts and improving your writing skills.

Would you like to dive deeper into any of these topics, or perhaps you have specific areas you’d like to focus on?


I often feel difficulty when reading news headlines on English newspaper. Please show some examples of headlines and help me to recognize them? And, please continue correcting my English grammar mistakes.


John: Of course, Atsushi! News headlines often use a condensed form of English, which can make them challenging to understand at first. Here are some common headline styles with explanations:

  1. Omission of articles (a, an, the) :
    • Headline: “Man Rescues Dog from River”
    • Full Sentence: “A man rescues a dog from the river.”


Regarding your previous message, your sentence “Please show some examples of headlines and help me to recognize them?” could be slightly improved to: “Could you provide some examples of headlines and help me understand them?”

Would you like to practice deciphering some more headlines, or would you like to delve into another area of English?


I found “Stocks Plunge Amidst Economic Fears” on newspaper. What does this mean?


John: Great example, Atsushi! Let’s break down the headline “Stocks Plunge Amidst Economic Fears”.

  1. Stocks : This refers to shares in a company or corporations, which are bought and sold on the stock market.
  2. Plunge : This is a verb that means to fall or drop steeply and quickly. In this context, it refers to a significant decrease in stock prices.
  3. Amidst : This is a preposition that means “in the middle of” or “during”. It’s similar to “among” or “amid”.
  4. Economic Fears : This refers to concerns or worries about the economy. It could be related to factors like potential recessions, high unemployment rates, inflation, or other economic indicators that might be unfavorable.

So, the full meaning of the headline “Stocks Plunge Amidst Economic Fears” is that the prices of stocks have fallen sharply due to concerns or worries about the economy.

Just a small note: While both “amidst” and “amid” are correct and can be used interchangeably, “amid” is more commonly used in modern American English, whereas “amidst” might be seen more in British English or in a more formal context.

Would you like to explore more headlines or any other topics?




John: Atsushiさん、どういたしまして。お手伝いできてうれしいです。


“Thank you. That was helpful. Let’s call it a day for now. Good night.”
“What would the previous Japanese statement translate to in English?”



ChatGPT は、会話の前のほうの内容を忘れがちな感じがしますので、もしかすると、最初の問いかけを Custom Instructions として登録しておけば、もっとスムーズに会話ができるかも知れません。


最後に、今回の ChatGPT セッションを示しておきます。



現実的には、少しくらい英文法が間違っていても、あまり気にせず、できるだけ多くの英会話をして訓練を重ねたほうが価値があると思うのですが、やはり、何しろ AI 先生なのですから、遠慮せずに間違いは指摘してもらったほうが嬉しい、と感じる場合もあるはずです。

その場合のヒントですが、冒頭の会話の出だし(あるいは custom instruction)の最後に、次のように追加してみると面白いです。

私の英文をより洗練された英文として示すため、例えば私が「Do you have a idea for today’s lunch?」と聞いたら、「Do you mean you’d like an idea for today’s lunch? It should be “I need an idea” not “I need a idea”.」のように始めてから、あなたの回答をしてください。



Good afternoon. I need a idea for tomorrow’s lunch with two coworkers in Shinjuku.


Do you mean you’d like an idea for tomorrow’s lunch? It should be “I need an idea” not “I need a idea”.

Good afternoon, Atsushi! How about trying a traditional Japanese restaurant in Shinjuku? (略)


Thank you for your helpful suggestions! By the way, I saw “Stocks Plunge Amidst Economic Fears” on newspaper. What does this mean?


You’re welcome! As for your question, the headline “Stocks Plunge Amidst Economic Fears” means…(略)



I wants another example.


Do you mean “I want another example”? It should be “I want” not “I wants”.

Sure, let’s take a similar concept. If you saw a headline that read “Real Estate Prices Skyrocket Amidst Housing Demand,” (略)


やや冗長ではありますが、こういう丁寧な(くどい?)先生がいてくれても良さそうです。人間では遠慮もあるでしょうから、まさしく AI 向けのお願い(AI の活用)と言えるのではないでしょうか!?
